Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series! This is alpha version, so I'm focused on finalizing cards first. There is no art or tokens yet. For the Form Token you may use Jekyll/Hyde token. For DT runes – Beowulf's rage or Ghost Rider's Hellfire.
Devil trigger
When Dante is in Demon Form, his movement and cards' value are +1.
You may change form at the start of your turn. Dante must have at least 2 Runes to enter the Demon Form.
Dante gains 1 Rune when he deals or takes damage in Human Form.
When Dante is in Demon Form, his movement and cards' value are +1.
You may change form at the start of your turn. Dante must have at least 2 Runes to enter the Demon Form.
Dante gains 1 Rune when he deals or takes damage in Human Form.
- Dante
Inhuman Strength
After Combat : Gain 1 action. You may switch your current form to:
• Demon Form, if you have enough Runes
• Human Form without penalty
During Combat : Your opponent discards 1 random card. Add its BOOST value to this card's value.
Demon Blood
Effects of this card cannot be canceled.
During Combat : Spend any amount of Runes. Add +1 to this card's value for every Rune spent.
After Combat : If you won the combat, deal 1 damage to every opposing fighter adjacent to Dante.
Let's dance!
After Combat : Move Dante up to 3 spaces.
Son of Sparda
During Combat : If this card is used to attack in Demon Form, its value is 5. If this card is used to defend in Human Form, its value is 6.
Tony Redgrave
After Combat : Draw 1 card. If you won the combat, draw 2 cards instead.
Royal Guard
During Combat : Spend any amount of Runes. Add +1 to this card's value for every Rune spent.
After Combat : Gain 1 Rune. Draw 1 card.
Immediately : Cancel all effects on your opponent's card and ignore its value.
After Combat : Spend 2 Runes to deal damage to the opposing fighter equal to the BOOST value of their card.
Strawberry sundae
Recover 2 health. Draw 1 card.
Place Dante adjacent to any opposing fighter in his zone. If Dante is in Demon Form, place him in any space instead.
Gain 1 action.
Gain 2 Runes. Draw 1 card.