by vo1d



Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series! This is alpha version, so I'm focused on finalizing cards first. There is no art or tokens yet. For the Form Token you may use Jekyll/Hyde token. For DT runes – Beowulf's rage or Ghost Rider's Hellfire.

Attack Type: Melee HP: 15 Move: 2
Special ability

Devil trigger

When Dante is in Demon Form, his movement and cards' value are +1.

You may change form at the start of your turn. Dante must have at least 2 Runes to enter the Demon Form.

Dante gains 1 Rune when he deals or takes damage in Human Form.

Special rules
Use the Form Token to indicate current form. Dante starts with 2 runes and have maximum of 5. Spend 1 rune at the end of every action (yours or your opponent's) Dante is in Demon Form. Exit the Demon Form after all the runes are spent. If so happend during combat, exit after combat. Spend 1 rune if you switching to Human Form when gauge is not yet depleted.


Hero deck