Adventures - Tales to Amaze

Golden Bat

The World's First Superhero arrives just in time.

Special ability
THE FIRST SUPERHERO If you haven't taken a Maneuver action this turn, add +2 to the value of Golden Bat's attacks.
Attack Type: Melee HP: 18 Move: 3


Hero deck

2 x Super Strength

ID: 499

3 x Vaporizing Eyebeams

ID: 500

3 x A Punch to Shake the Earth

ID: 491

2 x Skirmish

ID: 4

3 x Terrifying Roar

ID: 21

2 x Insight of the Ancients

ID: 496

3 x Like a Flash of Golden Light

ID: 497

3 x Sight Beyond Sight

ID: 498

2 x He Laughs at Your Feebleness

ID: 494

2 x Imposing Presence

ID: 495

3 x Alpine Fortress

ID: 492

2 x Arrive Just in Time

ID: 493