Houdini vs. The Genie

Harry Houdini & Bess

With the help of the beautiful Bess, he'll set the stage. Then it's a bit of misdirection and some sleight of hand. When you think you have the advantage, you'll discover: It's all part of the show!

Special ability
ESCAPE ARTIST When you take the maneuver action and BOOST, you may place Houdini in any space instead of moving. (Bess moves as normal.)
Attack Type: Melee HP: 14 Move: 2
Characteristics Bess
Bess token
x Attack Type: Melee HP: 5


Hero deck

2 x An Illusion of My Own Design

ID: 356

4 x Flourish

ID: 358

2 x The Big Reveal

ID: 364

2 x For My Next Trick

ID: 19

2 x Sleight of Hand

ID: 362

2 x And the Beautiful Bess!

ID: 401

2 x Smoke and Mirrors

ID: 363

3 x Misdirection

ID: 360

3 x Vanishing Act

ID: 365

2 x All Part of the Show

ID: 395

3 x Grand Escape

ID: 359

1 x A Magician Never Reveals His Secrets

ID: 377

2 x Set the Stage

ID: 531

Houdini vs. The Genie

Meet other heroes from the set.