Little Red Riding Hood vs. Beowulf

Little Red & Huntsman

Once upon a time, Little Red Riding Hood went into the belly of the beast, and lived to tell her grim tale. With the help of her friend the Huntsman, she's ready to head back into the woods with a few terrible tricks tucked away in her basket.

Special ability
Resolve an effect on a card you play if the symbol next to the effect matches the item in your basket. At the start of the game, place LITTLE RED's BASKET in your discard pile. Little Red's Basket: This starts in your discard pile. It does not count as a card. 🌟 counts as any one πŸΊπŸŒΉβš”οΈ symbol.
Attack Type: Melee HP: 14 Move: 2
Characteristics Huntsman
Huntsman token
x Attack Type: Range HP: 9


Hero deck

2 x What Big Ears You Have 🐺

ID: 204

3 x Long Have I Sought You βš”οΈ

ID: 208

2 x What Large Hands You Have 🐺

ID: 187

4 x What's That In My Basket? 🌟

ID: 222

2 x Once Upon a Time 🌹

ID: 211

2 x What Big Eyes You Have 🐺

ID: 205

3 x Stones in the Belly 🌹

ID: 210

3 x The Wolf's Skin βš”οΈ

ID: 207

2 x What a Terrible Big Mouth You Have βš”οΈ

ID: 203

2 x Never Leave the Path 🐺

ID: 206

2 x A Grimm Tale 🌹

ID: 209

3 x Into the Woods πŸΊπŸŒΉβš”οΈ

ID: 212

Little Red Riding Hood vs. Beowulf

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