Jurassic Park - Ingen vs. Raptors


"...And that's when the attack comes. Not from the front, but from the side, from the other two raptors you didn't even know were there. Because Velociraptor's a pack hunter, you see... Try to show a little respect."

Special ability
Raptors add 1 to the value of their attack cards for each of your other Raptors adjacent to the defender.
Attack Type: Melee HP: 7 Move: 3


Hero deck

2 x Eviscerate

ID: 147

2 x Disengage

ID: 8

2 x Pack Hunters

ID: 134

3 x Clever Girl

ID: 133

4 x They Remember

ID: 128

3 x Ambush

ID: 9

3 x Eaten Alive

ID: 135

3 x Feint

ID: 2

4 x Decoy

ID: 136

2 x Working Things Out

ID: 127

2 x Coordinated Attack Pattern

ID: 125

Jurassic Park - Ingen vs. Raptors

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