Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy & Giles

She'll hit you with Mr. Pointy or summon her Slayer’s strength for a cartwheel kick. When it’s time for backup, she’ll take her pick between insightful Giles or reliable Xander.

Special ability
Buffy may move through spaces containing opposing fighters (including when she is moved by effects).
Attack Type: Melee HP: 14 Move: 3
Characteristics Giles
Giles tokenXander token
x Attack Type: Melee HP: 6


Hero deck

2 x Mr. Pointy

ID: 117

3 x Daring Strike

ID: 139

3 x Military Knowledge

ID: 138

3 x Swift Strike

ID: 10

3 x Skirmish

ID: 4

3 x Slayer's Strength

ID: 140

3 x Rapid Recovery

ID: 116

3 x Feint

ID: 2

2 x Right-hand Man

ID: 137

3 x Regroup

ID: 3

2 x Cartwheel Kick

ID: 179

3 x Insight

ID: 110

2 x Training

ID: 114

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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