Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Spike & Drusilla

A relentless hunter, seeks the shadows and calls on Drusilla’s Sight to let him know just where and when to strike. Bloody hell!

Special ability
At the start of your turn, you may place a Shadow token in any space adjacent to Spike or Drusilla.
Attack Type: Melee HP: 15 Move: 2
Characteristics Drusilla
Drusilla token
x Attack Type: Melee HP: 7


Hero deck

1 x Arrogance

ID: 144

2 x The Rush

ID: 111

2 x Leap Away

ID: 12

2 x Skirmish

ID: 4

3 x Let's Dance

ID: 113

3 x Bloody Hell!

ID: 145

2 x Empathy

ID: 142

3 x Feint

ID: 2

3 x Always Surprising

ID: 143

3 x Regroup

ID: 3

2 x The Sight

ID: 112

4 x Seek the Shadows

ID: 141

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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